
Creativity Handbook

Creativity Handbook: JLP’s Journal for a Creative Life. Find your Creative Personality Type, Daily Inspiration, Storytelling, Filmmaking and More

Scenarios USA: Support good work. Be a reader.

At the 2010 Scenarios USA Awards and Gala with friends Assistant Professor Jennifer Kaplan, SUSA Director of Education and Outreach Ernestine Heldring and Rob York, SUSA Director of Media Production and Distribution

Earlier this year I jumped at the invitation from my friend Ernestine to attend the Scenarios USA Awards and Gala and learn more about her work. I met teen writers and educators and talked about one of my favorite subjects: empowering young people to tell their stories in a way that impacts society and culture. The awards ceremony made me cry. I don't know anyone else who is doing work like this--using film as a vehicle for under-served teens to talk about issues that are relevant to their lives and to pioneer a new kind of education about core issues like gender and power.

In addition to their curriculum which is taught in three regions of the U.S., every year Scenarios USA hosts a writing contest for teens. The winners are joined by Hollywood filmmakers to make short films that are shown around the country--at festivals, on television and in classrooms. They need 1000 readers to give 90 minutes of their time in February to make these young writers' dreams a reality. There are still some vacancies for the 2011-2012 Selection Committee, and I invite you to join me and register before the December 31st deadline.

You can watch Life’s Poison, written by Angileece Williams in her sophomore year of high school here. Learn more about Scenarios USA and take just a minute to sign up to be a reader today.